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Tell us what you think of Drone Regulations contributions

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over 1 year ago


Did you know that drone flights were regulated by the CAA, the same regulator as conventional manned aviation?

I had some knowledge

In your opinion, what's the acceptable level of risk of an accident, in the air or on the ground, for a drone network, compared to other transport modes?

Similar to airlines or railways, statistically the safest modes of transport

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over 1 year ago


Did you know that drone flights were regulated by the CAA, the same regulator as conventional manned aviation?

Yes I knew

In your opinion, what's the acceptable level risk of an accident, in the air or on the ground, for a drone network, compared to other transport modes?

Similar to airlines or railways, statistically the safest modes of transport

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over 1 year ago


Did you know that drone flights were regulated by the CAA, the same regulator as conventional manned aviation?

Yes I knew

Anything else you'd like to share on safety and regulations?

Drones are the new arrivals to the scene, it is for them to be integrated safely into the present aviation environment, not to exclude others from the airspace.

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over 1 year ago


Did you know that drone flights were regulated by the CAA, the same regulator as conventional manned aviation?

Yes I knew

In your opinion, what's the acceptable level risk of an accident, in the air or on the ground, for a drone network, compared to other transport modes?

Similar to a motorbike (statistically the least safe)

Anything else you'd like to share on safety and regulations?

Unlicensed drone pilots and commercial drone pilots should face enormous fines for entering ANY airspace .Airprox with GA is going up. It is only a matter of time before we have a fatality!

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over 1 year ago


Did you know that drone flights were regulated by the CAA, the same regulator as conventional manned aviation?

Yes I knew

In your opinion, what's the acceptable level risk of an accident, in the air or on the ground, for a drone network, compared to other transport modes?

Similar to airlines or railways, statistically the safest modes of transport

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