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Survey! What do you think of drone sounds during manoeuvres? contributions

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24 days ago


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


Which of the following best describes the area in which you live?

Urban Town or City

Which of the following statements best describes your familiarity with drones?

I use drones or am a drone hobbyist

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30 days ago


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


Which particular characteristics of the drone sounds determined your responses? Drone sound characteristics could include whether the sound was loud, quiet, noisy, tonal, harsh, or any other characteristic that influenced your response.

high pitched penetrating whine

Do you believe the purpose/application for which the drones are used would influence your response to the sound? Please explain your reasoning.

Only in emergencies - same as helicopters, its acceptable to repond to emergencies but not for routine deliveries

Which of the following best describes the area in which you live?

Urban Town or City

Which of the following statements best describes your familiarity with drones?

I have some awareness

Do you have any other general comments or feedback for the listening test that you have just completed?

too long - lots people wil just skip

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3 months ago


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


Which particular characteristics of the drone sounds determined your responses? Drone sound characteristics could include whether the sound was loud, quiet, noisy, tonal, harsh, or any other characteristic that influenced your response.

Noise and to larger extent the tone. If tone was lower like a helicopter or a smallish aeroplane it wouldn't be as bothersome.

Do you believe the purpose/application for which the drones are used would influence your response to the sound? Please explain your reasoning.

Yes, definitely. If those were used for leisure on a regular basis it would annoy me to no end. For a healthcare it's bearable.

Which of the following best describes the area in which you live?

Rural Town

Which of the following statements best describes your familiarity with drones?

I use drones or am a drone hobbyist

Add your like! More reaction types are coming soon.

7 months ago


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


Which particular characteristics of the drone sounds determined your responses? Drone sound characteristics could include whether the sound was loud, quiet, noisy, tonal, harsh, or any other characteristic that influenced your response.

The tone

Do you believe the purpose/application for which the drones are used would influence your response to the sound? Please explain your reasoning.

Yes since drones for medical applications would be larger spinning bigger props at lower rpms so quieter than say a dji drone.

Which of the following best describes the area in which you live?

Rural Village

Which of the following statements best describes your familiarity with drones?

I use drones or am a drone hobbyist

Do you have any other general comments or feedback for the listening test that you have just completed?

Good although the drone sound is too high pitch for the size of drone that would be used for medical purposes.

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7 months ago


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


How audible is the sound of the drone within the existing sound environment?


How much does the sound of the drone change the character of the existing sound environment?


To what extent are you personally bothered, annoyed or disturbed by the sound of the drone?


Which particular characteristics of the drone sounds determined your responses? Drone sound characteristics could include whether the sound was loud, quiet, noisy, tonal, harsh, or any other characteristic that influenced your response.

Drone sound is loud but i would say no louder than someone strimming their grass or using a lawnmower.

Do you believe the purpose/application for which the drones are used would influence your response to the sound? Please explain your reasoning.

Yes if i knew it was an NHS drone i would not be bothered by it all.

Which of the following best describes the area in which you live?

Urban Town or City

Which of the following statements best describes your familiarity with drones?

I have some awareness

Do you have any other general comments or feedback for the listening test that you have just completed?

I personally think it's a great idea and could be a potentially life saving idea and i for one would welcome such an innovative idea be implemented all over Scotland.

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